.NET on Linux with MonoDevelop
I finally installed Mono on my Linux box today running Red Hat 9 with KDE after struggling to mount the CD-ROM. The machine is dual boot with Win2k running on the other partition. I was booting into Linux using a floppy which was formatted using Valhalla (RH 7.3) and I guess this was for some reason not seeing the CD-ROM.
I formatted a floppy using Shrike (RH 9.0) and used this to boot in and Voila!!! the CD was mounted and I could install Mono.
I was able to compile a few programs and execute them using mono but.. , could not get the MonoDevelop IDE up and running.
I get an exception System.DllNotFoundException : gnomesharpglue
I think this might be due to the GTK version I have on my machine which is 2.0. I guess i need 2.4, also I might be needing GTKSourceView. I need to do a bit of reasearch here
I formatted a floppy using Shrike (RH 9.0) and used this to boot in and Voila!!! the CD was mounted and I could install Mono.
I was able to compile a few programs and execute them using mono but.. , could not get the MonoDevelop IDE up and running.
I get an exception System.DllNotFoundException : gnomesharpglue
I think this might be due to the GTK version I have on my machine which is 2.0. I guess i need 2.4, also I might be needing GTKSourceView. I need to do a bit of reasearch here